Below is the text of Resolution 2021-02 on threats made against election workers adopted on June 23, 2021 by the U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC) Board of Advisors. The resolution was offered by Dr. Barbara Simons, Verified Voting Board Chair and EAC Board of Advisors member.

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U.S. Election Assistance Commission

Board of Advisors

Resolution 2021-02

Offered by: Dr. Barbara Simons

Title: Resolution on Threats Made Against Election Workers

Whereas, all Americans deserve accessible, accurate, reliable, and secure elections, and

Whereas federal, state, and local election officials, their staff, and poll workers are dedicated public servants and citizens who are critical to our nation’s ability to conduct free and fair elections, and

Whereas election officials were subjected to a disturbing number of threats, including death threats, against themselves and their families in the 2020 election cycle, and

Whereas election officials across the country continue to face threats, including death threats, and harassment in 2021, and

Therefore, be it resolved that the EAC Board of Advisors condemns all threats against and harassment of election workers, and

Be it further resolved that the EAC Board of Advisors calls on the Election Assistance Commission to focus additional resources for election officials that will allow them to better protect themselves and other election workers, including through coordination with law enforcement agencies to prioritize and aid in the investigation and prosecution of those who have threatened or attacked election officials and workers.

Adopted June 23, 2021