Hart InterCivic

Verity Touch

Make / Model: Hart Intercivic Verity Touch
Equipment Type: Direct Recording Electronic (DRE)

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Hart InterCivic Verity Touch is a direct recording electronic voting device. Touch is typically used in polling places that have implemented a fully-electronic voting experience as an alternative to hand-marked paper ballots, for example. The Touch electronic voting device allows voters to mark choices on a touchscreen display. After voters are finished marking all their preferred choices, the device presents a “review page” that allows voters to double-check their choices on their ballot. (And if voters skip any contests, the screen indicates “No selection.”) After voters have had the opportunity to review all choices on the summary page, to cast the ballot, voters select “Cast Ballot,” which causes their choices to be recorded directly in the voting device’s electronic memory.

Verity Touch devices can also be configured with additional accessible features for voters with disabilities. Touch supports accessible voting through a tethered/attached Audio-Tactile Interface (ATI), which is a “game controller” style console that includes a rotary wheel to move through the ballot, a select button to mark choices, and other tactile navigation buttons. The ATI can also support headphones for voters who are blind or visually impaired, or paddles or sip-and-puff devices for voters with dexterity impairments.

Touch voting devices are typically set up in polling places in series, i.e. in a “daisy chain” (like Christmas lights), on a single long chain of connected cords. The chain of voting devices is, in turn, connected to a poll worker console called the Verity Controller. After voters check-in at the polling place, poll workers use the Controller to select the electronic ballot style that each voter needs. Poll workers also issue each voter a randomly-generated, anonymous five-digit Access Code, which corresponds to each voter’s ballot style. To start an electronic voting session on an individual Touch device, each voter simply inputs the Access Code, and the ballot is displayed.

Verity Touch is a paperless voting device only. There is no option to add a voter-verifiable paper audit trail (VVPAT).

Voting Process

  1. Enter your access code
  • To start your ballot, enter each number of your access code, one at a time.
  • You may use the touchscreen; or
  • You may use the MOVE wheel and the SELECT button; the wheel triggers the audio.
  • When you have entered all five numbers, choose “Accept” to start your ballot.


  1. Learn about your ballot
  • Before you begin, you may learn about your ballot.
  • On this page, you may also wish to change audio or screen settings before you begin. The MOVE wheel triggers the audio.
  • When you are ready, choose “Begin Voting.”


  1. Mark your choices
  • Mark your choice(s) for each contest.
  • The instructions tell you how many choices you have.
  • You may use the touchscreen; or
  • You may use the MOVE wheel and the SELECT button.
  • After marking your choices, select “Next” to move to the next contest.


  1. Review & cast your ballot
  • Review your choices carefully on the final screen.
  • You may change your choices on this screen, if you want to.
  • To cast your ballot, select “Cast ballot.”


Hart InterCivic Verity Touch instructional video:

Hart InterCivic Verity Touch demonstration from Hidalgo County TX:


Hart InterCivic Verity Touch usage in November 2022 (click for details)

Verity Touch usage map 2022

Manufacturer Profile

Hart Intercivic

15500 Wells Port Drive
Austin, TX 78728
Phone: 512.252.6400, 800.223.HART
Fax: 512.252.6466


Hart entered the elections industry in 1912, printing ballots for Texas counties. The company, formerly a division of Hart Graphics, Inc., was established as a subsidiary called Hart Forms & Services in 1989, which, in 1995, changed its name to Hart Information Services, Inc. During the next five years, Hart Information Services acquired three election services providers: Texas County Printing & Services, Computer Link Corporation, and Worldwide Election Systems. Worldwide was the developer of the eSlate, Hart’s direct recording electronic (DRE) voting solution. In 1999, the company spun off completely from Hart Graphics and in 2000, the company became Hart InterCivic Inc.