Microvote General Corporation
MicroVote/Chatsworth ACP 2200 & OMR 9200
Make / Model: MicroVote/Chatsworth ACP 2200 & OMR 9200
Equipment Type: Hand-Fed Optical Scan Tabulator

The Model ACP-2200 Optical Mark Reader is a central count dual sided scanner manufactured by Chatsworth Data Corporation and used in configuration with MicroVote election management software to tabulate absentee ballots in jurisdictions using MicroVote’s Infinity or MV-464 DREs. The ACP (Accessible Card Path) design allows access to the card path and optic lens for clearing obstructions and performing preventative maintenance on the unit. After the ballot has been scanned, the resulting data string is terminated by a carriage return (CR) and is automatically transported to the communication port of the attached computer. RS-232C Serial communications is standard on the APC-2200. The Election Management System software consolidates and reports Infinity and optical scan election results. The software supports the vote capture and tabulation of paper ballots (ballot data cards) manually fed, one at a time, into the Chatsworth COTS dual sided ACP2200 OMR optical scanner.
The ACP-2200 utilizes “Visible Red” illumination reads black or blue marks made with a ballpoint pen or felt-tip pen as well as standard pencil marks. Background printing must be in the visible red range. “Infra Red” illumination is available as an option for pencil only marking with colored background printing. MicroVote voting systems are also used in configuration with predecessor to the ACP 2200, the OMR 9002 dual sided scanner. The ACP 2200 scanner is included in MicroVote’s v.4.0B EAC certification.
Voting Process

Ballots compatible with the Chatsworth scanners resemble punchcard ballots. Candidates names do not appear on the ballot ut are referenced by numbers on an addtional page provided to voters. Voters should use black or blue felt tip or ballpoint pen or a standard #2 pencil to make their selections. The voter should completely fill in the oval to the right of the the number corresponding to their selected candidate.
To select a write-in candidate, the voter must fill in the oval to the right of the number that corresponds to “Write In” for the office for which they want to write in a candidates name. The voter must then write the candidate’s name on the reverse side of the ballot.
Over-Votes: If a voter casts votes for more than the allowable number of candidates in a contest or cast votes for and against an issue in a contest. Over-voted races cannot be counted. In jurisdiction using a central count voting method there is no way for a voter to be notified of an overvote so voters must be careful to vote for only the allowable number of candidates in any contest (in most cases one).
MicroVote Infinity Voting Machine Technical Manual
Infinity Poll Worker manual version 4.3
MicroVote General Corporation Election Management System (EMS) Voting System v. 4.0.0 VSTL Certification Test Plan, Election Assistance Commission, 2009
Certificate of Conformance MicroVote EMS 4.0B (Modification), Election Assistance Commission, 2010
Manufacturer Profile
MicroVote General Corporation
6366 Guilford Avenue
Indianapolis, IN 46220
MicroVote General Corporation, founded in 1982, is the longest continuously operated voting system manufacturer in the USA.