IowaRecount Laws

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State Summary

Iowa does not have automatic recounts, but candidates may petition for a taxpayer-funded recount when there is a close vote margin of less than fifty votes or one percent of the total number of votes cast, whichever is greater. Similarly, voters may petition for a taxpayer-funded recount of a ballot measure; the same close vote margin applies in this instance, though a different formula for calculating the margin applies when the ballot measure must be approved by at least 60% of the votes cast. Candidates and voters may also petition for recounts outside the close vote margin. Election officials may request recounts when they suspect that errors in the count or the performance of voting equipment may have affected the election outcome. Recount petitions by candidates, voters, or election officials must generally be filed within three days of the county canvass of votes, with some exceptions. The recount board in each county determines whether ballots are recounted by hand or machine, though if ballots were hand-counted on election day, the recount board must count the ballots by hand. For recounts of most contests, the recount board must complete the recount by 18 days after the county board canvass.

Counting Method

Mix of hand count and retabulation

In each county, a three-person recount board determines whether ballots will be recounted by hand or retabulated. All ballots that were accepted for counting will be recounted. If the ballots were hand-counted on election day, the recount board must count the ballots by hand. If voting equipment was used on election day, the recount board may request that the ballots be recounted by voting equipment, may count the ballots by hand, or may conduct both types of counts. Iowa Code §§ 50.48 and 50.49, and Iowa Admin. Code r. 721-26.105(2) and 721-26.104(1).

Initiating Mechanisms

Close vote margin
Election official-initiated

Election Official-Initiated Recounts:
Whenever the commissioner responsible for conducting an election suspects that errors in either the count or the performance of voting equipment may have affected the outcome of the election, or if precinct election officials report counting errors to the commissioner after the conclusion of the canvass of votes in the precinct, the commissioner may submit a request for an administrative recount to the board of supervisors who would decide whether to order the recount. Iowa Admin. Code r. 721-21.25 and Iowa Code § 50.50.

Timing: Iowa Admin. Code r. 721-21.25

Close Vote Margin Options

Less than or equal to 1%
Vote count difference (not percentage-based)
Initiated by request

There are no automatic recount provisions, but candidates and voters may petition for a taxpayer-funded recount when a close vote margin exists.

For candidates in primary and general elections:
No bond is required when the difference between the candidates or nominees for the office is less than fifty votes or one percent of the total number of votes cast, whichever is greater. Iowa Code § 50.48(2)(a) and Iowa Code § 43.56(2).

For ballot measures:
“If the difference between the affirmative and negative votes cast on the public measure is less than the greater of fifty votes or one percent of the total number of votes cast for and against the question, a bond is not required. If approval by sixty percent of the votes cast is required for adoption of the public measure, no bond is required if the difference between sixty percent of the total votes cast for and against the question and the number of affirmative votes cast is less than the greater of fifty votes or one percent of the total number of votes cast.” Iowa Code § 50.49(4).

Timing: For candidates, see Iowa Code § 50.48(1)(a), (4)(c), (7) & (8) and Iowa Code § 43.56. For ballot measures, see Iowa Code § 50.49.

Candidate-Initiated Options

Candidate determines how many/which precincts to recount

Any candidate on the ballot in any election may request a recount, including write-in candidates who are legally qualified to seek and hold the office. While candidates choose the initial precincts to be counted, a member of the recount board may expand the recount to other precincts in the same county. Iowa Code § 50.48(1)(a) & (4)(b). Iowa Code § 43.56 (primaries).

Timing: Iowa Code § 50.48(1)(a), (7) & (8) for general elections. Iowa Code § 43.56 for primaries.

Voter-Initiated Options

Voters may request recounts for initiatives/questions

A recount for a ballot measure requires a petition by not less than ten eligible electors or a number of eligible electors equal to 1% of the total number of votes cast for the measure, whichever is greater. Iowa Code § 50.49.

Timing: Iowa Code § 50.49.

Cost for Candidate-Initiated Recounts

Payor of costs depends on outcome

Candidates are required to post a bond before the recount, unless the election results are within specified close vote margins. The amount varies depending on the office to be recounted and the population of the county. The bonds range from $100 to $1000. If the recount determines that the apparent winning candidate after the initial canvass is not in fact the winner, the bond is refunded to the candidate who requested the recount. Iowa Code § 50.48(2) for general elections and § 43.56 for primaries.

Cost for Voter-Initiated Recounts

Initiators must post a $1000 bond for statewide measures, or a $100 bond for all other measures. A bond is not required if the election results are within specified close vote margins. While candidates may have their bond refunded if the recount changes the outcome of the election, the statute authorizing ballot measure recounts states that the procedure for the recount shall follow certain provisions of Iowa Code § 50.48 (for candidate recounts) but those provisions do not include the subsection § 50.48(2)(b) that requires the bond to be refunded if the outcome of the election changes. Iowa Code § 50.49.

Challengers and Observers

No guidance on challengers or observers; recount must be public

Regulations require that recounts be open to the public, but observers may not participate in the recount. Iowa Admin. Code r. 721-26.106.

No statutory guidance is provided for recount initiators to appoint either observers or challengers. However, for candidate-initiated recounts, each recount board shall be composed of three members: (a) a designee of the candidate requesting the recount, (b) a designee of the apparent winning candidate (or in some primaries, the candidate with the highest vote count), and (c) a third member chosen jointly by the two designees. Iowa Code § 50.48(3)(a) for general elections and § 43.56 for primary elections.

For voter-initiated recounts of ballot measures, each recount board shall be composed of three members: (a) a designee of the recount initiator, (b) a designee of the election commissioner, and (c) a third member agreed upon by the two designees. Iowa Code § 50.49(2).

Iowa Administrative Code contains regulations governing recounts. The relevant provisions are Iowa Admin. Code r. 721-26.101–104, 721-26.105(2), 721-26.106, and 721-26.107.

Rules for Determining Voter Intent

Rules for determining voter intent are found in Iowa Admin. Code r. 721-26.10–21 and 721-26.104(3).

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