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US Virgin Islands

Audit Laws

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Audit Laws


The US Virgin Islands 2014 US Virgin Islands Joint Board of Elections Voting System Audit requires the canvassing board to conduct a “manual audit or independent audit of the voting systems used in randomly selected precincts” following the certification of each election. US Virgin Islands Joint Board of Elections “Voting System Audit: Joint Board 005” (2014); see also 18 V.I.C. § 524. The audit may be either a manual or automated audit and the number of precincts audited depends on the audit method. The manual audit is conducted in at least one percent but no more than two percent of precincts, chosen randomly by the canvassing board. The automated or independent audit includes at least 20% of precincts, also selected randomly. The audit must be completed no later than 30 days after the certification of the election.

Unless otherwise specified, references are to the 2014 US Virgin Islands Joint Board of Elections Voting System Audit.

Voting Systems Used

The US Virgin Islands primarily uses hand marked paper ballots and optical scanners in polling places, with ballot marking devices for accessibility. For the most up to date information please visit Verified Voting’s Verifier.

For an explanation on the types of voting equipment used, click here.

Audit Comprehensiveness

The audit includes Election Day, absentee, provisional, and military and overseas ballots.


The audit must be a public tally. A report with the audit results must be published within 15 days after the audit is completed.

Audit Counting Method

The policy allows for either the use of either a manual or an automated audit.

Type Of Audit Units

The US Virgin Islands uses precincts as audit units.

Contests & Issues Audited

The number of contests to be audited depends on the method of audit employed. In a manual audit, one randomly selected contest is audited. An automated audit covers every contest on the ballot.

Addressing Discrepancies

The policy does not provide guidance on expanding on the audit. However, the audit report must describe any problems or discrepancies encountered and provide recommended corrective actions to mitigate such issues in future elections.


The audit must be completed within 30 days following the certification of the election.

Binding On Official Outcomes

Since the audit takes place following certification, the audit is not binding on official results.

Oversight & Conduct

The canvassing board, composed of members of the Joint Board of Elections, conducts the audit. 2014 US Virgin Islands Joint Board of Elections Voting System Audit; see also 18 V.I.C. § 47.

Ballot Protection

After ballots are counted, results are announced and the tally papers are securely sealed in a package. If there is more than one polling place for a polling district, the endorsement must also specify the polling place. The judge of election and inspector of opposite political affiliation must immediately deliver the package(s), the electronic voting machines, and the district register, to the board of elections. 18 V.I.C. § 626. Absentee ballots, both those counted and rejected by the board of elections, must also be wrapped and sealed in separate packages and delivered to the Supervisor of Elections. 18 V.I.C. § 672. The Supervisor of Elections must preserve all ballots for a period of at least two years. 18 V.I.C. § 672; 18 V.I.C. § 626.

Additional Targeted Samples

The audit policy does not provide for additional targeted samples.

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