What Is A Risk-Limiting Audit (RLA)?

Download Risk Limiting Audit 2-pager (pdf) Today Verified Voting released a guide describing risk-limiting audits, how they are different from other types of audits, and how a risk-limiting audit is conducted. The chart also outlines the elements needed for an RLA to meaningfully support confidence in reported election outcomes. For more information on the types…

Verified Voting Comments On Proposed Amendments To Georgia State Election Board Rules

Download as PDF Verified Voting welcomes the opportunity to comment on the proposed amendments to Georgia’s State Election Board rules published on December 19, 2019. These amendments are wide-ranging, and we recognize that substantial work has gone into drafting them. Our comments focus on certain aspects especially relevant to cybersecurity and election verification. We substantially…

Chart: Differences Between Risk Limiting Audit Methods

Download Risk-Limiting Audit Methods Chart (PDF) Today Verified Voting released a chart comparing three RLA methods: Ballot-Level Comparison, Batch Comparison and Ballot Polling. View the chart here.. This chart was developed in consultation with Lynn Garland, Independent Advisor, and with the Brennan Center for Justice at NYU School of Law.

Verified Voting Praises Pennsylvania’s Election Reform Package That Helps Counties Purchase Voting Machines

View the statement here: Verified Voting Statement on Election Reform Package Marian K. Schneider: “This funding ensures the smooth transition to secure and verifiable voting systems.” “Verified Voting is pleased with the Pennsylvania General Assembly and Gov. Tom Wolf’s commitment to an election reform package that includes funding for counties to help pay for the…

VV Urges Congress To Pass Comprehensive, Bipartisan Election Security Funding

With the 2020 election rapidly approaching, Verified Voting continues to urge Congress to pass comprehensive election security legislation and allocate adequate funding for state and local officials to make critical improvements to our country’s election infrastructure. Congress is negotiating a spending package for the U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC) to allocate funding for states to…

Election Security Experts Urge Congress For Additional Funding; Say $250 Million In Election Security Funding Is Progress, But Not Enough

Download the PDF Marian K. Schneider: “Despite the progress shown today, Congress still needs to vote on bipartisan, comprehensive election security legislation to protect and ensure trustworthy elections.” The following is a statement from Marian K. Schneider, president of Verified Voting, on Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s (R-KY) backing of an amendment that will provide…

Verified Voting’s Policy on DREs and BMDs

Download VerifiedVoting’s Policy on Direct Recording Electronic Voting Machines and Ballot Marking Devices On November 21, 2019 we revised Verified Voting’s Policy on Direct Recording Electronic Voting Machines and Ballot Marking Devices to remove a reference to parallel testing on page 8 of the original document. Although the concept of parallel testing has been discussed…