New Hampshire SB 43 Forensic Audit Report

Windham, New Hampshire’s SB 43 Forensic Audit Report was published in July 2021 and was authored by Harri Hursti, Mark Lindeman, and Philip B. Stark. Download the full report here.   Executive Summary This forensic audit addressed the unusual numerical disparity between the originally reported results for the November 2020 contest for New Hampshire State…

verified voting

Verified Voting Urges Congress to Consider Specific Election Security Measures in the For the People Act, S.1.

The following is a statement from Verified Voting in support of election security reforms outlined in the For the People Act (S.1). For additional media inquiries, please contact Verified Voting Urges Congress to Consider Specific Election Security Measures in the For the People Act, S.1. PHILADELPHIA (June 22, 2021) —  “Our elections are woefully…

verified voting

Audits: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Audits: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly by Mark Lindeman, Acting Co-Director I’m finally back at my desk after completing a forensic audit of Windham, New Hampshire’s voting machines used to tabulate the votes in the 2020 election. I and my collaborators – also nonpartisan auditing experts – concluded that there was no evidence of tampering in the election results. We’ll…

verified voting

Verified Voting Joins with Experts to Send Letter to Arizona State Senate on Election Audit Transparency

Verified Voting joined with experts in election law and administration, national security, and voting rights to write a letter to Arizona State Senate President Fann, requesting her to stop restricting the public’s access to the audit and grant observation to experts from nonpartisan American organizations and educational institutions across the country. Download PDF The Honorable…

Verified Voting Sends Letter to Arizona State Senate on Election Audits

Individuals from the Brennan Center, the Carter Center, RSM Election Solutions, and Verified Voting wrote a letter to Arizona State Senate President Fann urging the Senate to refrain from auditing the Maricopa County election results. For press inquiries, please contact Download PDF April 13, 2021 The Honorable Karen Fann President of the Arizona State…

Verified Voting Welcomes Neal McBurnett to its Board of Directors

The following is a statement from Verified Voting. For additional press inquiries, please contact PHILADELPHIA (April 9, 2021) – Verified Voting, a leading national organization whose mission is to strengthen democracy for all voters by promoting the responsible use of technology in elections, welcomes Neal McBurnett to its Board of Directors. McBurnett previously served…

Support of Connecticut House Bill 6325 Section 10

March 23, 2021 Connecticut Government Administration and Elections Committee Legislative Office Building, Room 2200 Hartford, CT 06106 (via email) RE: Verified Voting Support of Section 10 of HB6325 Dear Committee Members: On behalf of Verified Voting, I write in support of Section 10 of House Bill 6325 regarding risk-limiting audits. Verified Voting is a nonpartisan…

Verified Voting Supports Specific Election Security Measures in the For the People Act, S.1.

The following is a statement and letter from Verified Voting in support of election security reforms outlined in For the People Act (S.1). For additional media inquiries, please contact  PHILADELPHIA (March 18, 2021) —  Verified Voting is supporting specific measures in S.1, as well as in Title III of H.R.1, and urges Congress to…

Lessons Learned: Our Audit Journey in Pennsylvania

Lessons Learned: Our Audit Journey in Pennsylvania by Mark Lindeman, Acting Co-Director Over the past three months, the Verified Voting team and I have been from one end of Pennsylvania to the other, assisting with the state’s audit efforts: Everywhere we’ve been, and with every official we’ve talked to, I keep thinking about the difference between where…