Coalition Letter urging support of bills regarding protection against AI-generated content in elections

Download PDF June 27, 2024 The Honorable Charles Schumer  Majority Leader  United States Senate  Washington, DC 20510   The Honorable Mitch McConnell Minority Leader United States Senate Washington, DC 20510   To Majority Leader Schumer and Minority Leader McConnell: We, the undersigned, are writing to provide our endorsement for, and call upon you, to grant…

Verified Voting Urges Rejection of Assembly Bill 2159

Download PDF June 12, 2024  The Honorable Nancy Skinner, Chair  Senate Housing Committee  California State Senate  via email Verified Voting Urges Rejection of Assembly Bill 2159 On behalf of Verified Voting, I write in opposition to AB 2159, which would allow electronic return of voted ballots for homeowners’ associations. Verified Voting, founded by computer scientists…

Coalition testimony to the RI Board of Elections on their proposed regulations

Download PDF May 7, 2024  Common Cause Rhode Island  245 Waterman Street, Suite 400A  Providence, RI 02906  Verified Voting  1500 Chestnut Street, #2320  Philadelphia, PA 19102  Patricia Chatelle  Rhode Island Board of Elections  2000 Plainfield Pike  Cranston, RI 02921  Dear Ms. Chatelle:  On September 26, 2023, Common Cause Rhode Island and Verified Voting respectfully submitted…

Coalition Letter Supporting $1.625B in Federal Funding for Election Administration in FY25

Download PDF May 1, 2024 The Honorable Patty Murray  Chair, U.S. Senate Committee on  Appropriations   154 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510  The Honorable Susan Collins  Vice Chair, U.S. Senate Committee on Appropriations   413 Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510  The Honorable Chris Van Hollen Chair, U.S. Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Financial Services…

Letter to U.S. Election Assistance Commissioners regarding the 2024 Election Administration and Voting Survey

Download PDF U.S. Election Assistance Commission 633 3rd Street NW, Suite 200 Washington, DC 20001 Attn: EAVS Submitted electronically April 2, 2024 2024 Election Administration and Voting Survey Docket ID: EAC–2024–0001 Dear U.S. Election Assistance Commissioners, Verified Voting submits the following suggestions regarding the 2024 Election Administration Voting Survey (EAVS) and Election Administration Policy Survey…

Letter from Common Cause Arizona and Verified Voting urging the Governor to sign and enact SB1342

Download PDF The Honorable Katie Hobbs Governor of Arizona 1700 W. Washington St. Phoenix, AZ 85007 via email SB1342 – Request for Signature Dear Governor Hobbs: We write in support of Senate Bill 1342, which facilitates county participation in the statutorily required, routine post-election audit. SB1342 is an important step toward enhancing election verification and…

Letter to Connecticut Government Administrations and Elections Committee urging support of SB 254

Download PDF March 1, 2024 Connecticut Government Administrations and Elections Committee Legislative Office Building, Room 2200 Hartford, CT 06106 Via online portal Dear Committee Members: On behalf of Verified Voting, I write in support of S.B. No. 254 regarding risk-limiting audits. Verified Voting is a nonpartisan nonprofit organization whose mission is to strengthen democracy for…

Verified Voting Letter

Letter to the Chair Assembly Judiciary Committee urging rejection of Assembly Bill 2159

Download PDF February 29, 2024 The Honorable Ash Kalra Chair Assembly Judiciary Committee The Honorable Christopher Ward, Chair Assembly Committee on Housing and Community Development Att: Sent to both offices via email Verified Voting Urges Rejection of Assembly Bill 2159 On behalf of Verified Voting, I write in opposition to AB 2159, which would…