Press Releases

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Verified Voting Praises Federal Guidance Issued Opposing Internet Voting

The following is a statement from Marian K. Schneider, president of Verified Voting in response to the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), the Election Assistance Commission (EAC), the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)’s guidance to states warning about security concerns with any voting system that…


Verified Voting Supports Election Funding, Security Measures In Proposed HEROES Act

The following is a statement from Marian K. Schneider, president of Verified Voting in response to the House Democrats’ proposed coronavirus response package, the HEROES Act HR 6800. For additional media inquiries, please contact Aurora Matthews, Download PDF May 13, 2020 — “COVID-19 created a new landscape for conducting elections and election officials need…


Verified Voting Releases COVID-19 Election Security Recommendations

Download the Verified Voting’s guidance here The COVID-19 epidemic has impacted many aspects of American democracy. Primaries have been rescheduled, processes for absentee ballots changed, and polling sites relocated, often with less than 24 hours’ notice. Throughout it all, election officials have been and will continue to be essential workers on the front line of…


Recommendations For Election Officials And Voters Ahead Of March 17 Primaries

The following is a statement from Marian K. Schneider, president of Verified Voting in response to concerns around the March 17 primaries and the COVID-19 pandemic. For additional media inquiries, please contact PHILADELPHIA, Pa. – (March 16, 2020) “We understand the growing concerns about keeping voters safe at the polls amid the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19), which is why it’s…


Verified Voting Says Situation With Iowa Caucuses Reveals Risks Associated With Technology

View the statement here. The following is a statement from Marian K. Schneider, president of Verified Voting following the delay of the results from the Iowa caucuses. For additional media inquiries, please contact “The situation with Iowa’s caucus reveals the risks associated with technology, in this case with a mobile app, but more importantly…


What Is A Risk-Limiting Audit (RLA)?

Download Risk Limiting Audit 2-pager (pdf) Today Verified Voting released a guide describing risk-limiting audits, how they are different from other types of audits, and how a risk-limiting audit is conducted. The chart also outlines the elements needed for an RLA to meaningfully support confidence in reported election outcomes. For more information on the types…


Verified Voting Comment On Los Angeles County VSAP 2.0 Certification

The following is a comment on the certification process for Los Angeles County’s VSAP 2.0 system. To view a pdf, click here. Los Angeles County Voting Systems for All People (VSAP) 2.0 Certification Comment of Pamela Smith, Senior Advisor, Verified Voting January 20, 2020 Verified Voting commends Los Angeles County for the decade-long process of…


Statement On Ballot Marking Devices And Risk Limiting Audits

This statement is intended to clarify Verified Voting’s position regarding the use of ballot-marking devices (BMDs) in elections, and the use of risk-limiting audits (RLAs). It is approved by the President, Board of Directors, and Staff of Verified Voting. Ballot-marking devices Verified Voting believes that voters should vote on paper ballots, but we recognize an…


Chart: Differences Between Risk Limiting Audit Methods

Download Risk-Limiting Audit Methods Chart (PDF) Today Verified Voting released a chart comparing three RLA methods: Ballot-Level Comparison, Batch Comparison and Ballot Polling. View the chart here.. This chart was developed in consultation with Lynn Garland, Independent Advisor, and with the Brennan Center for Justice at NYU School of Law.


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