Consensus Studies Examining Internet Voting

{!{types field=’publication-type’}!}{!{/types}!} {!{types field=’publication-title’}!}{!{/types}!} Date: {!{types field=’publication-date’}!}{!{/types}!} Author: {!{types field=’publication-authors’}!}{!{/types}!} Issue: {!{types field=’publication-issue’ separator=’, ‘}!}{!{/types}!} Download Publication Summary Downloadable resource on studies examining internet voting. Internet voting has been assessed many times and always comes up short. Below we highlight notable studies. More studies—including those of some systems currently being marketed—are available at Securing…

Verified Voting Urges Rejection of Assembly Bill 2159

Download PDF June 12, 2024  The Honorable Nancy Skinner, Chair  Senate Housing Committee  California State Senate  via email Verified Voting Urges Rejection of Assembly Bill 2159 On behalf of Verified Voting, I write in opposition to AB 2159, which would allow electronic return of voted ballots for homeowners’ associations. Verified Voting, founded by computer scientists…

Verified Voting Letter

Letter to the Chair Assembly Judiciary Committee urging rejection of Assembly Bill 2159

Download PDF February 29, 2024 The Honorable Ash Kalra Chair Assembly Judiciary Committee The Honorable Christopher Ward, Chair Assembly Committee on Housing and Community Development Att: Sent to both offices via email Verified Voting Urges Rejection of Assembly Bill 2159 On behalf of Verified Voting, I write in opposition to AB 2159, which would…

New Report Examining Internet Voting’s Dangers and Highlighting Safer Alternatives

We’re excited to announce the release of our latest publication, “Casting Votes Safely: Examining Internet Voting’s Dangers and Highlighting Safer Alternatives”. Our paper outlines studies that expose the dangers of internet voting—which is currently being considered in states across the country—and highlights alternatives that promote voter enfranchisement while safeguarding our elections. Highlights include:  Democracy depends…

Casting Votes Safely: Examining Internet Voting’s Dangers and Highlighting Safer Alternatives

Democracy depends on citizens’ trust in our elections, the ability to cast a ballot without obstacles, and having
verifiable proof that the winner won and the loser lost. If expanded, internet voting would undermine the fundamental
principles of our democracy: private and trustworthy elections that give voters justified confidence that their
votes were counted as cast. We address internet voting’s dangers and discuss better options that enable voter
enfranchisement while still protecting the security of our elections.