verified voting

Letter to Social Media Platforms Urging “Significant Actions to Combat Election Disinformation Ahead of Midterm Elections”

Verified Voting, along with more than 120 civil rights and democracy groups, signed onto a letter calling on the major social media companies to combat and curb election disinformation on the platforms ahead of this year’s midterm elections. Read the letter here: Download PDF Dear Mr. Zuckerberg, Mr. Pichai, Ms. Wojcicki, Mr. Agrawal, Mr. Chew,…

verified voting

Letter to Wisconsin Elections Commission on SS 029-22

Download PDF April 28, 2022 Wisconsin Elections Commission 201 West Washington Avenue, Second Floor Madison, WI 53703 Via email RE: Verified Voting Comments on SS 029-22 – Approval and Security of Electronic Voting Equipment and Ballot Security Dear Members of the Wisconsin Elections Commission: On behalf of Verified Voting, I submit these comments on SS…

verified voting

Letter to California Senate Committee opposing internet voting provisions in Senate Bill 1480

Below is a letter submitted by California Voter Foundation and Verified Voting. Download PDF April 15, 2022 Senate Committee on Elections and Constitutional Amendments State of California State Capitol, Room 410 Sacramento, CA 95814 Via email RE: Senate Bill 1480: Oppose Unless Amended Dear Chair Glazer and Committee Members: The California Voter Foundation (CVF) is…