Election Security News

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Letter to State Election Officials on Best Practices for Voting Funds

Download letter as PDF On March 23rd, Congress allocated $380 million to states to upgrade election security. This is a positive development. In the age of unprecedented hacking risks, researchers have found that electronic voting infrastructure — including voting machines and registration databases — have serious vulnerabilities. While there’s no evidence that vote totals were…


American elections are too easy to hack. We must take action now.

Author: Bruce Schneier This article was published by The Guardian on April 18, 2018. Bruce Schneier is a fellow and lecturer at Harvard Kennedy School and a member of the advisory board of Verified Voting. Elections serve two purposes. The first, and obvious, purpose is to accurately choose the winner. But the second is equally important:…


Verified Voting Hacks into Voting Machine in New Video from the New York Times

Demonstration Shows Vulnerability of Voting Machines With No Paper Backup The New York Times published an interactive piece on election security today that included a video featuring Verified Voting fellow, Alex Halderman. The piece, “I Hacked an Election. So Can the Russians,” was the result of a months-long collaboration between Verified Voting and the New…


Proposed Election Security Panel for Netroots Nation 2018

Election security is the way we protect our elections from interference and allow voters to feel confident that their vote is being counted. Being able to trust election results is a cornerstone of democracy. 2016 was a harsh reminder of what can happen when we don’t have secure election systems- and demonstrates the need for…


It’s Time to Safeguard Our Election

Author: Marian Schneider This oped was originally published in the York Dispatch on February 1, 2018. An oversight in York County, Pennsylvania on the eve of last November’s Election Day questioned the rightful winner of the election, but thankfully the potential damage stopped there. Still, the discovery of a technical error — one that allowed voters to…


Congress to Pass the Secure Elections Act; Bipartisan legislation Empowers States to Protect Themselves

Marian K. Schneider: “Passing the bipartisan Secure Elections Act will advance our nation’s efforts to protect and ensure trustworthy elections.” The following is a statement from Marian K. Schneider, president of Verified Voting, on the Secure Elections Act, which was introduced by Sen. James Lankford (R-OK) and co-sponsored by Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), Sen. Lindsey…


Testimony before the Pennsylvania State Senate Government Committee: Voting System Technology and Security

Download as PDF The security of election infrastructure has taken on increased significance in the aftermath of the 2016 election cycle. During the 2016 election cycle, a nation-state conducted systematic, coordinated attacks on America’s election infrastructure, with the apparent aim of disrupting the election and undermining faith in America’s democratic institutions. Intelligence reports that have…


Letter to Virginia State Board of Elections

September 8, 2017 To the Virginia Board of Elections: Verified Voting is a national, non-partisan, not-for-profit organization dedicated to securing democracy in the digital age. We were founded in 2004 by computer scientists as computers became more widely used in the election process. Virginia Verified Voting is a grassroots group of Virginia citizens which has…


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