Election Security News

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Congress to Pass the Secure Elections Act; Bipartisan legislation Empowers States to Protect Themselves

Marian K. Schneider: “Passing the bipartisan Secure Elections Act will advance our nation’s efforts to protect and ensure trustworthy elections.” The following is a statement from Marian K. Schneider, president of Verified Voting, on the Secure Elections Act, which was introduced by Sen. James Lankford (R-OK) and co-sponsored by Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), Sen. Lindsey…


Testimony before the Pennsylvania State Senate Government Committee: Voting System Technology and Security

Download as PDF The security of election infrastructure has taken on increased significance in the aftermath of the 2016 election cycle. During the 2016 election cycle, a nation-state conducted systematic, coordinated attacks on America’s election infrastructure, with the apparent aim of disrupting the election and undermining faith in America’s democratic institutions. Intelligence reports that have…


Letter to Virginia State Board of Elections

September 8, 2017 To the Virginia Board of Elections: Verified Voting is a national, non-partisan, not-for-profit organization dedicated to securing democracy in the digital age. We were founded in 2004 by computer scientists as computers became more widely used in the election process. Virginia Verified Voting is a grassroots group of Virginia citizens which has…


Letter to the US Senate Select Committee on Intelligence

This letter was sent to the US Senate Select Committee on Intelligence following a hearing on June 21, 2017. (Download PDF) Verified Voting vigorously applauds the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence for its leadership and commitment to securing our elections. With clear evidence that foreign attackers sought to attack our 2016 elections through various means,…


Technology Experts’ Letter to Georgia Secretary of State Brian Kemp

This letter was sent to Georgia Secretary of State Brian Kemp on March 14, 2017. Download PDF On March 3rd it was reported that the Federal Bureau of Investigations is conducting a criminal investigation into an alleged cyber attack of the Kennesaw State University Center for Election Systems. According to the KSU Center for Election…


Our Voting System Is Hackable by Foreign Powers

Author: David Dill This article appeared originally in the March 2017 issue of Scientific American. The FBI, NSA and CIA all agree that the Russian government tried to influence the 2016 presidential election by hacking candidates and political parties and leaking the documents they gathered. That’s disturbing. But they could have done even worse. It…


Give Us The Ballot | Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

The following passage is excerpted from a speech that Dr. King delivered before the Lincoln Memorial at the March on Washington on May 17 1957, three years after Brown v. Board of Education and eight years before the enactment of the Voting Rights Act.  Three years ago the Supreme Court of this nation rendered in…


A Democracy Worth the Paper — Ballot — it’s Written on

Authors: Mark Halvorson and Barbara Simons This oped appeared originally at Medium.com on December 19, 2016. As the CIA digs deep to investigate foreign influence on our election, we should recognize that we don’t need cybersecurity experts to tell us if our votes have been accurately counted. Citizen observers can do the job, if we…


Election Security Is a Matter of National Security

Author: David Dill This article appeared originally at Scientific American on November 30, 2016. State-sponsored cyber-attacks seemingly intended to influence the 2016 Presidential election have raised a question: Is the vulnerability of computerized voting systems to hacking a critical threat to our national security? Can an adversary use methods of cyber-warfare to select our commander-in-chief?…


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