Election Security News

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Opposition to North Dakota Senate Bill 2271

March 10, 2021 The Honorable Dennis Johnson North Dakota Dennis Johnson North Dakota Legislative Assembly State Capital 600 East Boulevard Bismarck, ND 58505-0360 The Honorable Wayne Trottier North Dakota Legislative Assembly State Capitol 600 East Boulevard Bismarck, ND 585505-0360   Dear Representatives Johnson & Trottier, On behalf of Verified Voting, I write today in strong…


Verified Voting Welcomes Martin Hellman to its Board of Directors

The following is a statement from Verified Voting. For additional press inquiries, please contact aurora@newheightscommunications.com PHILADELPHIA (March 4, 2021) – Verified Voting, a leading national organization whose mission is to strengthen democracy for all voters by promoting the responsible use of technology in elections, welcomes Prof. Martin Hellman to its Board of Directors. Hellman previously…


Election Security Experts Say Limiting Options for Voting and Expanding Internet Voting is Not Election Security

The following is a statement from Verified Voting. For additional press inquiries, please contact aurora@newheightscommunications.com PHILADELPHIA, PA (February 24, 2021) — Mark Lindeman, co-director of Verified Voting, released the following statement today in regard to the recent wave of legislation being introduced to limit options for secure voting: “Recently introduced legislation in states across the…


A Guide: What to Ask When New Election Technology is Introduced

When state or local election officials introduce new or upgraded election technology (including voting machines, electronic poll books, and mobile apps), you may have questions as a constituent. You may have concerns about the cost of technology, the accessibility of the technology, the transparency of the technology, the technology procurement process, or the security of…


A Spotlight on Election Officials: Kammi Foote

Election officials carry out the most basic function of our democracy — making sure our eligible citizens can vote and that their votes count. Their work happens around the clock and far beyond what voters see on Election Day. Last year, they faced the extraordinary challenge of conducting elections amidst a pandemic, a polarized electorate,…


A Spotlight on Election Officials: Neal Kelley

Election officials carry out the most basic function of our democracy — making sure our eligible citizens can vote and that their votes count. Their work happens around the clock and far beyond what voters see on Election Day. Last year, they faced the extraordinary challenge of conducting elections amidst a pandemic, a polarized electorate,…


Verified Voting Condemns Insurrection on Capitol Hill; Reaffirms a Legitimate, Free and Fair Election

The following is a statement from Verified Voting following the violence today in Washington, D.C. For additional media inquiries, please contact aurora@newheightscommunications.com PHILADELPHIA (January 6, 2021) — “Verified Voting strongly condemns the violence today at the U.S. Capitol. For more than a decade, we have worked to promote reliable, legitimate elections, using technology that can…


In letter to 117th Congress, Verified Voting supports specific election security measures in H.R. 1

The following is a statement and letter from Verified Voting in support of election security reforms outlined in For the People Act (H.R.1/S.949). For additional media inquiries, please contact aurora@newheightscommunications.com PHILADELPHIA (January 5, 2021) — “Voter-verifiable paper ballots and post-election audits are needed to increase election security, which is why Verified Voting is supporting specific…


Verified Voting Welcomes Dr. Poorvi Vora to its Board of Directors

PHILADELPHIA (December 14, 2020) – Verified Voting, a leading national organization whose mission is to strengthen democracy for all voters by promoting the responsible use of technology in elections, welcomes Dr. Poorvi Vora to its Board of Directors. Vora previously served on its Board of Advisors and is currently Professor of Computer Science at The…


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