
Stay up to date with the latest on Verified Voting’s news and work.

Why Internet Voting is a Threat to Our Democracy

Why Internet Voting is a Threat to Our Democracy by Barbara Simons, Verified Voting Board Chair Imagine what would happen if, six months after an internet-based election, we learned that the election had been hacked and the wrong people declared the winners? Or, if a group claimed to have hacked the election and we can’t…

verified voting

Verified Voting testimony supporting provisions for voter-verifiable paper records in HB 435 — with recommendations for improvement

Download PDF March 24, 2023 Senate Judiciary Committee Arkansas General Assembly 1 Capitol Mall Little Rock, AR 72201 Via email Verified Voting Supports Provisions for Voter-Verifiable Paper Records in HB 435 — With Recommendations for Improvement Dear Committee Members, On behalf of Verified Voting, I write in support of the provisions for voter-verifiable paper records…

verified voting

Letter to Oregon State Legislature in support of Senate Bill 166

Download PDF March 13, 2023 Senate Committee on Rules Oregon State Legislature 900 Court St. NE Salem, OR 97301 Sent via email Dear Committee Members, On behalf of Verified Voting, I write in support of Senate Bill 166,1 specifically regarding its election security and integrity measures. Verified Voting is a nonpartisan nonprofit organization, founded in…

verified voting

Verified Voting Urges States to Not Withdraw from the Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC)

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Aurora Matthews “At a time when disinformation is rampant, states should be pulling together to generate the most accurate and up to date voter roll information.” PHILADELPHIA (March 9, 2023) –“Verified Voting urges states not to withdraw from the Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC). Participation in ERIC is not a political…


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